Sometimes, I write.

Exploring self

So who am I, really, besides just a boy sitting behind a computer screen and giving you an inside look at my heart and my thoughts?

I’m the boy who can usually be found wearing a chic polo shirt (black is my favorite!). I'm the boy who is a bit awkward, a bit dorky and still a lot innocent. I'm the boy who isn't afraid to laugh at himself. I'm the boy who still, at 19, celebrates his half birthday. I'm the boy who is bold and confident (though I’m not sure anyone has picked up on my boldness yet). I'm the boy who likes to leave a little mystery behind him.

I’m the boy who intentionally hasn’t changed much since childhood( and I m not talking about my looks !).I still get excited if someone offers me a candy, I still love to go on family outings, I still enjoy getting drenched in the rain etc etc. I'm the boy who thinks imperfections are beautiful and sexy.

I’m also the boy who hasn't had much obstacles in life, has been pampered and cared a lot. Despite having a modest height I’ve never let it define who I am or my life but it has seemingly morphed into a defining factor when it comes to building a connection with others around me.
I’ve often asked myself these questions: How can you get someone to look past your appearance or your insecurities – and see the real you. Not the you with a fake and gaudy demeanour. Not the you having dressed up. Not even the you who smiles even though he’s sad. The real you – metaphorically naked and not ashamed to show people who you are.

I'm the boy who writes about anything and everything in his life(for quite some time now), even the girls he falls madly in love with who don't even know he exists. I'm the boy who is still very shy. I’m the boy who’s mastered the art of loving from afar, but ultimately, never having the courage to tell the gorgeous, sweet, funny, charming girl that she is, in fact, gorgeous, sweet, funny and charming. Or when I try, it always ends up not sounding anywhere near as sleek and sophisticated as it did in my head. My run-ins with the opposite sex have all had three things in common: dorky, awkward and quirky.

So let’s redefine life altogether? Inject my own brand of quirkiness into it – in heavy doses. The way I see it, life and relationships are like a one-way street always under road construction. You can see your destination, but can't quite get there, right? And let's not even get started on all those confusing signs pointing every which way. What do those signs even mean?

But really, what does it mean to live in today's world? What is it that keeps our blood pumping and our hearts racing? Because let’s face it, living in the modern age, with an inbox full of emails and an overflow of texts messages, isn’t something that each of us is really fond of. So come along for the journey; you might learn a thing or two about yourself along the way.

~ Nishant

P.S. I realize this all sounds like one big profile on blogger. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll let you be the judge.


Reader's Comments

  1. that sounds like just a perfect blog dude!
    and there are people who identify you exactly the way you want them to.. :)

    ila jain likes this!!
    (quite the fb stuff:))
