Sometimes, I write.

A special anniversary present to my love.

It’s taken me 19 years to finally get here.
I was a lone ranger before I met you, convinced that I wasn’t going to find anything to satisfy me. But soon enough everyone told me to take the plunge. “Don’t over think it, Nishant”, they chided me, as if they had all attained nirvana. All of a sudden I felt peer pressured, and it made me even wearier at the thought of you.

I remember the first time we met. I was nervous, obviously, unsure of what to expect and how to feel. We got to know each other quickly, but it never felt rushed. Sitting up late into the night, I marveled at the simplicity with which we communicated. When I touched you, you connected me and over time, you made it easier for me to interact with my friends. We made a great team, you and I, and everyone told me so. With you around, there was so much incoming in my life and somehow, you made everything better. You were the first thing I wanted to look at every morning, and you always showed up when I needed you.

I’ve always valued what you’ve brought to my life, and for that, you will always be more special than the rest. I had tried to change you even. Change the way you look, the way you sound. I’ve wanted you to be a cut above the rest, even if it cost me a packet.

This is really the hard part. But the reality remains that we were on the verge of a break when the fateful event occurred.

I felt like you were consuming me. Waking up to you had become a chore, an obligation that stifled me. I felt we had stagnated, and had fallen into a rut. I sometimes wonder how we got here. I used to be able to spend hours discovering every facet of you, exploring the intricacies of your character, studying you, taking you in. But then there was no surprise left, nothing new to keep me excited. Sometimes I felt I pushed you too hard, and I was scared that you may one day shut down on me. I didn’t want to live in that fear anymore. I didn’t want to go through the anxiety I felt when you told me you were drained from all my chatter. I think it was time to move on, because the more I looked at you, the more faults in you I found.

Cheating on you was not an option. We had done too much together and had been too intimate to just discard you. We had to end this with the same disclosure with which we began. So God played his hand in our little story, modified the script to circumvent the awkward moments.
Do you remember the day I lost you? You really don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone and the memory of that day still raises my heartbeat. I’ve taken you for granted so many times, tossed you to the side when something more important has come along

You have to know that there will never be anyone like you and that replacing you was not easy. A part of me wanted to just cut off from the world for a while, disconnect completely. You’ve been with me through my toughest year, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

So, my darling Sony Ericsson R300, though our journey ended a long time back, but it I’ll always remember your murmuring warmth, nestled against my ear, feeding me news of the world, no matter what the hour. Think of me fondly coz you’ll always remain my first mobile ever and that pedestal no one can ever take away from you.

PS:Take this as an anniversary present from your real owner. I hope your current owner(thief) is keeping you well.


Reader's Comments

  1. that ws pretty nice...njoyed readin!

  2. Though reading it a bit late, but as I started with the post, I did realize that something's not right and well, I was correct in the end. :D

    Btw nicely written. Some people might actually believe you till the end when the truth is out. :P

  3. haha :D I hope so too! Thanks for dropping by :)
