Sometimes, I write.

Song of Life.

It all started with the man’s first instance of defiance,
That forbidden fruit on that fateful tree.
Which instigated the vicious cycle of birth and decease,
One whose master we can never be.
Fast by the oracle of God,
I devote him this adventurous song.
The existence and survival of this race of ours,
Has and will forever be a mystery to all.
We came in this world as mighty as we could,
We knew we had it in us to make it through the woods.
What went wrong somewhere down the road,
That the end has ensued us right on our throat.
Illumine the intellect within, with voice reverent,
To the hight that aids in elucidating this great argument.
I may assert eternal misdeeds, exemplifying all,
And justifying the ways of men to God and powers beyond.
We kept deferring the bitter truth,
And pretended that it never would.
But deep down we always knew,
That our days left back here are but few.
We flouted ourselves in our ambitious aims,but the truth always bites back whenever we play this game.
This time the timing doesn’t seem right?
Only because it’s your turn and you don’t want to fight !!
Time has come for someone to rise
Against the throne and the monarchy of God.
No one can dictate us into our demise
Its high time to be prepared with our mighty swords.
There was never any youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection in the ‘years to come’,
The inevitable has befallen on us in the present
Asking for you to respond to the stimuli and give up some fun.
To elaborate further is no avail,
learn'd and unlearn'd feel that it is so.
Sure as the most certain sure,
Clear and sweet is my soul,
and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.


Reader's Comments

  1. Hey must I say a nice one, good flow, awakening with efficacious expressions.- Pseudo

  2. r u takin Nostradamus srsly ??
    dnt wrry.. u'll live longer thn 2012.
    how cn d wrld end bfr u acheive ur "as of now" (in ur wrds) sole(read dirty) intention in lyf :-P

  3. i trusted u wen i tld u tht...
    u cnt blackmail me >.<
    neway.. thnx fr d cmnt :)
