Sometimes, I write.

Book Club: post 1

YES !! finally the "BOOK CLUB" has begun on my blog as well !!! The 'About it' is the same as that of the Movie Club regardless to say, no point repeating it. Coming straight to business...

Ok, so about a week back,the internet was down for a couple of days in my hostel hence I finally got some time to finish up a book that i have been planning to read for a long time now.... Jonathan Stroud's - The Amulet of Samarkand. Its the first of a three part series known as the Bartimaeus Triology. Now i won't be reviewing the book as yet because i haven't finished it yet (the internet started working again :P ) and moreover i don't think its a good idea to post a review on the very first 'club' post(experience pays). So I am going to start off with a general and candescent discussion on the books that have had an impact on me and my life in some way or the other.

Is there a book that you read at a particular time in your life that changed everything for you?  Is there a book you think should be written that would change everything? Words have an incredible power if they are read/ heard by the right person at the right time.  What collection of words has been powerful for you?

Books have defined the growing phases of my personality. Most of the time my hands have picked up the right books at the right time, my heart fell in love with some of the authors and I read and re-read their books to relive the joy of reading! There have been rare occasions when I fell for the book cover and loved the contents of the book (RARE). To name a few 'life changing authors and books':
R. K. Narayan's Bachelor of Arts. This was my first proper novel. It changed my world because I was introduced to the simple writing of this great man who moved hearts. This creator of Malgudi had an excellent story telling style. Bachelor of arts was a simple love story of a student of Malgudi. Sitting on the banks of river Sarayu one day, he falls in love with a green sari clad woman. It follows the emotions of this young lad through a heart break and how he finally succeeds in life.

Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. The intensity with which I read this one is unforgettable and unforgivable. I was lost in a world of Nabokov's passion for words. To de-tangle myself and enter the mundane world seemed absurd to me. One of the best 7 days of my life. The dictionary was stuck to my hand, I must have noted a hundred words during the entire reading of this classic. It was worth all the trouble. some of my favorite excerts from the novel:

Lolita, light of my life,fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
Salman Rushdie's 'Moor's last sigh'. This wasn't my first Rushdie novel, but it was my best one. I fell for the whole portuguese and jews concept and the spices, the fiery tongues, the chipkali paintings, the grey haired beuatiful woman and the young and lovely women! And the moor, of course! Wonderful. Complete. Humorous. Love. Hate. Passion. Jealousy. Name it, and you will find it in this one book.

These are but to name a few, many others remain to be talked about like Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One hundered years of solitude and love in the time of cholera, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and surely the epic Godfather by Mario Puzo...
If you are into reading and haven't yet read the books i have mentioned above... there's a lot out there that you are missing !!


Reader's Comments

  1. hmm...first of all very nice blog..very informative for me as i am a great fond of reading novels n always searching for some good one :D
    Most of these novels i haven't read so i am definitely going to read them. But for the reader's as well as u..i would like to suggest "The Alchemist" by Paulo Cohelo. well.. the most i can say is... just go through this novel once. you would like to read it again n again.

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