Sometimes, I write.

My name is Shadow and I am a Sparrow.

So today, this strikes me. I don’t want to be NISHANT GARG any more. I mean I have had the name for nearly two decades now and I like it. But I want something more fun. Like Calvin! Or Archie! And then I figured it out. The only name I could associate myself with was Shadow Da’Sparrow (sounding “Shadow the Sparrow”).
Now, I realize that it sounds more on the feminine side, but if you dig a bit deeper, you might realize why I chose this name. Consider physical appearance… it’s a bit smaller compared to other species, its handsomely attractive and even though looks a bit scrawny, its strong enough to rule the surroundings it lives in, without much hassle. Now, for some metaphoric comparisons…. I lurk in the shadows of the darkest night, am nocturnal and have the attention span, patience and perseverance of the sparrow. And guess what, if you are a friend, you really can’t spot me when you want to – just like a sparrow, but you know I am there – just like a shadow. (I should really start dialogues for serials.)

So I break the news to the folks. If they ever had any thought of me metamorphosing into being a good friend, they have now concluded that  :
"I am nothing more than an embarrassment. I should not be allowed out of home and am extremely hazardous to the wellbeing of all man kind "

I shall henceforth (not legally though) be known as Shadow Da’Sparrow. (I could even start writing the chronicles/adventures of Shadow Da’Sparrow ala Don Quixote by the Spanish writer Cervantes). This is fun!!
PS: Shadow Da’Sparrow will not be posting anything new on his blog for a while now :(    (for once I hope I am wrong). Since he’s going back to college and has loads of stuff to attend to before he’ll get enough time to write. So until next time I log into this blog… ADIOS ppl !!  It was such a hectic day.. I can’t even imagine how I found enough energy to write this!!


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