Sometimes, I write.

Back Again

Yes, an entire week has gone past since my last post. If you have been even in slightest of touch with me you would have known that I was in Mumbai last week and am back to home now(for pics click : Mumbai pics ). Came back yesterday and was actually planning to publish a post right away, but then, before I logged in to my blogger account, I did the grave mistake of opening up my social networking accounts…

So the newsfeeds, notifications, messages, scraps, status updates were all brimming up with some bigg news:
Got aware of the fact that the reopening of college has been rescheduled or rather delayed by a week :D *excited*, quickly checked in my college mail for the details and postponed my ticket online.

Meanwhile chats were keeping me busy as well which led me to the next revelation, an even bigger one: The 2nd sem. results were out and I had done astonishingly well this time (far better than I expected). The result was not yet on the websites and hence only the pics taken by someone were being circulated among the students.    
Only after confirming up the result myself did I break the news in the family and naturally they were really excited and pleased by my performance. After the initial round of hugs, followed up by patting on the back and packing it up with a kiss on the forehead, I came back in my room to recheck the result (yes, again!! it seems I doubt my capabilities a lot). I was still on cloud nine, when within 10 mins of me breaking up the news of my result, mom came into my room to crash-land me back down on earth, and asked me to go outside and buy her a packet of milk ???  The casualness and indifference in her voice almost reflected that nothing remarkable ever happened at all!!! >.<  YES, LIFE MOVES ON…. Doesn’t matter if you are prepared for it or not.

 While I was travelling back from Mumbai, I thought up of so many things to share… about the trip and the places I saw, about the books I read, about travel tips that I botched up and about life and its variety of flavours in general(as I always say). But then, recuperating from such big announcements (told above) does take its full share of recovery time. So as I head back to rest my mind and soul in deep slumber.. you would just have to settle up with only this much in this post. ( I am not sure if you are actually thanking me for ending this so early, but if you are: I HATE YOU !!)
PS: Had a “You’re beautiful-James Blunt” moment on the Mumbai airport… twice on two occasions :D I am so going to Mumbai every year now on !!
PS PS: All those who missed me on twitter, facebook, orkut, gmail, yahoo, big adda and of course blogger – I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH !!! and I missed you all too…


Reader's Comments

  1. haha.. nice one esp. the mom asking me to get the milk packet.. lol

  2. Arjit: abe msg nahi hai jo smiley cmnt me dal raha hai !! bt neway.. btr thn no cmt :)
    @prashish: thnx !!

  3. exactly.. i dint knw how to write wat i felt.. but it sure made me smile..
