Sometimes, I write.

The Priyanka fiasco !!

So you have difficulty believing it, right?
For christ’s sake it’s PRIYANKA CHOPRA … the pic isn’t fake, the E-Mail account isn’t fake, so if you don’t believe me… all I say is , you are just plain jealous !!!
"MOM, DAD … Priyanka Chopra is following me on Twitter !!!"

This was way back on April 15th.
For the next whole month, all I kept doing whenever I talked to someone/anyone was -“ hey, anyway did you hear ,Priyanka Chopra is following me on twitter”. I went berserk, from the day I received this e-mail .. nothing, absolutely nothing was enough to let my spirit down, untill….

My dear friend AK (I hate him) showed me the actual account of Priyanka Chopra !! Yes, it was a fake account from which I received this e-mail (which btw is still in my inbox)… someone played a real bad prank with me and my emotions and I was distraught, the esteem with which I boasted around for the whole past month vanished within moments. I was too ashamed to acknowledge this fact to any of my friends, so I thought my blog could be my best “venting machine” (I thank Ginnie Mahajan for this term). The reason I say so …
After I have successfully published this post, I have officially told the truth to everyone. Now, since I know no one reads my blog, I can safely assume that no one still has any idea about all this. But it has made my conscience clear. Technically I have divulged the truth. So as long as I can keep away from discussing this topic again, I’ll remain a guilt-free person whose friends believe that Priyanka Chopra is following him on Twitter !!!
And I’ll surely take that as a bargain !! :D

PS: I finally found out a valid reason for writing my blog.


Reader's Comments

  1. and you thot we really believed you...nevertheless...sad what has happened to sincere sympathy to you...
