Sometimes, I write.

”How I decided the topic for my first blog”

Its been a while since I have been planning on starting up my own blog and everytime I come intriguingly close to it I somehow find a reason to delay it further citing excuses that range from… it being too time consuming, me being too busy to irregular net access , low confidence on my writing skills to not having enough friends to make it popular etc etc. Well..finally I am here ..and am writing the first blog of my life !!!! I spent the whole day yesterday relentlessly trying to figure out the topic that I should talk about…there were innumerable choices..each sounded brilliant at first …but somehow I could not picture them as being special enough to hog the limelight in my first blog.So I started reading up other blogs …looking for something which is innovative, new, interesting as well as easy to talk about. It struck me so late (“ daah”) that, if I am reading up others’ blogs to get a topic for mine then how could that topic be new and innovative (desperation makes you dumb :o).
So I closed up my search for the topic on the net and went along doing the usual redundant stuff that my lifestyle includes but somehow I wasn’t able to close up the search in my as I shut down my lappi…I thought maybe laptops could be a topic, how they have transformed our life and their necessity in today’s lifestyle. But it would have turned into an informative article on technology that you would prefer to read up in newspapers and as a participant in a debate or so…but NOT in a blog. In a blog (at least mine) you would like something light, something funny, witty and interesting at the same time. Next ,I went through the news and thought maybe sports could be just the right theme for my first blog…its popular and almost everyone has some kind of interest in it (for girls it could be the sportsmen if not the sport ;P).Its also something in which India is way behind the league ,so a little awareness about its current state would do no harm. But then again I realised that my target readership (friends-that too on my insistence) includes no one who could prove to be of any help in making it an issue of national significance, so I decided against it as well.
By now I had come to the conclusion that anything even remotely educative is out of consideration, so I thought up of movies. Now its hard to find a reason not to choose movies as a subject. Consider this….Movies are followed religiously in India….movie stars are the most sought after personalities and… blah blah….we all know how popular movies are in this country.There are still many of us who only read the Page 3 scoops and interviews, reviews and gossips etc in the newspaper (boys read the “HT City” and the”DELHI TIMES” for some entirely different “reasons” as well lol....but lets not stray away from the issue on hand). So rejecting movies was not an easy task. But when you are “me” can somehow find a reason for anything under the sun. As my first blog ever, I did not want to viewed as someone who is seeking people’s attention into his blog. No matter what or how you write, you will always get the eyeballs rolling if its related to Bollywood.Just include a catchy phrase or an eyebrow raising headline and bingo….you get the desired hits !!! (I know I am being a devil’s advocate here…but I can’t really help it. My thought process just works this way :0).
As time went by my desperation increased manifold…and so did my rejection speed…now I wasn’t even looking for genuine reasons. I declined them on the grounds that they don’t “sound” right, for example someone suggested “ true love” or“ first crush” or “last crush” and many other versions of love but it all sounded a bit cheesy and to some extent maybe too mushy and sappy for a first time blog.I didn’t want myself to be percieved as some lovesick guy desperately seeking a companion(although I wouldn’t mind an offer… :P lol ).
Then the inevitable happened…as feared, I began to run out of options. More disturbing thoughts steared their way into my mind. If I am not being able to decide a topic for my first blog how can I expect myself to keep updating it regularly and if I don’t, that would mean I lose even the limited readers that I have convinced. Maybe starting up a blog wasn’t a good idea after all, maybe it’s something not destined to happen, at least for me.
But just then, as a flash of lightening … something struck me.Something which was precisely what I have been looking for all day.It was so obvious but yet it took so long. Light dawned on me at last….It was like finding a song that suits your current mood perfectly, like chancing up on your all time favourite movie while surfing the tube on a day you have nothing else to do. On similar lines was the way I got my topic…
” How I decided the topic for my first blog”.

PS: I love the way the ending mysteriously creates an infinite loop.The title of the blog was “ How I decided the topic for my first blog” and the topic that I selected… ” How I decided the topic for my first blog”.(Now THIS is SmartnesS )


Reader's Comments

  1. nice.. but lengthy.. i skipped d 2nd last para while reading..

  2. nice!!"girls it could be sporstmen if not sports!"--very true!!
