Sometimes, I write.

On How To Mingle If You Are Still Hopelessly Single

Well this one goes out from me and Ak! Since he’s too creepy to start blogging himself or come out as a co-idea-giver of this post, I have to do the needful and give him credit for the content I am going to write about today. It’s a discussion we were having at a coffee shop recently and the topic: Being single is such a pain in the ass and tips to change that status!!

Let’s get the facts straight out first: It’s traumatic many a times to be single especially if you have been in a relationship before and knows the perks it brings to you and your life. When it’s been awfully long since your last relationship ended and you are nowhere near in finding a suitable suitor, then it’s safe to say that all bets are off and it’s time to start worrying. To counter these depressing facts, I present to you, exclusively, Nishant and AK’s tips to successfully escaping the single life, or at least enjoying yourself while you’re succumbing to it.

1. Location – the most important guide to finding the love of your life begins with being at the right place at the right time. Rule number 1: don’t go to the so-called “happening places” on weekends. Only pappus, show-offs, and losers party at the ‘hot spots’ on the weekends. If you’re trying to find the love of your life, venture out on a weekday to a more non-descript, casual joint. Find a place where people can talk. You’re more likely to find people with brains there anyway.

2. Fellow singles – think hanging out with your single friends is the right way to meet eligible bachelors/bachelorettes ? Wrong! Your single friends don’t really want you to find someone. Misery loves company. Single people seek solace in fellow singles, and they never, ever want you to find someone before they do. Instead, try making new friends. Mingle. The more new people you meet, the more new people they will introduce you to. Also, it’s a lot easier to come across as having an impressive personality to people who don’t know you all that well. At least this way, you can con them into finding you someone exciting ;) 

3. Fellow committed ones – straying clear of single friends doesn’t mean you flock to the committed ones. They are too consumed with their own lives to ever really care about your love life. This is a fact. They may seem well intentioned, wanting to set you up with ‘this friend of ours who’s a total catch’ but what they really want is for you to be able to hang out with them without feeling like the third wheel.

4. Gym/Swimming – there are many advantages to joining (and actually going to) the gym/ pool that deserve their own set of sub points.

i) Obviously, you will become more attractive the more you work on your body. You will feel better, look better, and hopefully you’ll shower that extra time a day and will end up smelling better. Trust me, it's the sexiest thing you can do for yourself other than the obvious ;)

ii) You’re more likely to find someone there who’s looking for the same thing as you. Chances are, the person pounding that treadmill hard next to you or trying that butterfly stroke, is experiencing the same frustrations you are. Put it to the test and strike up a conversation and let all those hormones do the rest of the work for you.

5. The blind sight – no good ever came out of a blind date. No matter how lonely your life gets, do not fall for the blind date syndrome. Anyone interested in meeting you on a blind date is desperate and desperation unfortunately doesn’t have a good looking face.

6. Travel - Travel, and leave your town/city/state as often as possible. This way your exploits wont come back to haunt you and you’ll be exposed to a varied, open, flirtatious world, where people are less judgmental because they won’t know enough about you to judge you.

All right, this is how far we got, got anything else in mind? Do let me know, and I’ll edit the post to include it here (and mention your name too). Especially all the committed people out there, It’s time to give back to the society, don’t be so mean :P

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