Sometimes, I write.

Time flies? Not really, unless you let it!

Take every passing second and make something out of it. Don’t spend it on people. NO ONE DESERVES YOUR TIME MORE THAN YOU.

While you’re young, just make use of your time. Learn. Play. Write a song. Look at the sky and wonder at its enormity. Listen to good music. Travel, preferably alone. Ignore your phone. Ignore your messages. You can take calls all your life. You can post that facebook status later. Indulge in yourself. Work like there is nothing else to do. Show ‘em what you’re made of. Be motivated. Induce confidence in yourself every day. You think you lost an argument, learn everything there is to know and beat them the next time you argue. Don’t trust people, trust yourself. Listen and learn to ignore. They could be right, but prove to yourself that you’re wrong before assuming they are right. Be awesome, be so awesome that they have to invent a new word for awesome, for you. Just don’t settle. Never settle. You think the day went bad, well, it’s still 10 pm, you have whole two hours to turn it around.  People will give you false hope, they’ll tell you stuff you want to hear. No one wants other’s success over their own. Everyone is manipulative, maybe to different degrees but everyone is, they’re all just looking out for themselves. Look out for yourself. Take that bike and ride all around the town, stop and look at your surroundings. Is anyone just standing there looking at you? No. No one will. No one’s wants to know If you reached your destiny. All they care is if they reached theirs. Don’t know about stocks and share market? Open the damn internet and learn about it. You like singing? Get out of your shower and hear yourself on a microphone. Don’t like what you hear, practice! You can sleep tomorrow. Night will come again tomorrow, and the day after. Make yourself better. For yourself. When you sing all night and finally get that note right, you’ll not need sleep anymore. You’ll dispense sleep. You’ll curse yourself for being lousy and needing sleep. You don’t need it. You can do without it. Everything you hear from people is a consequence of their own circumstances. Your life is different than theirs. There’s a reason God made you unique, prove to him you deserved it.

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