Sometimes, I write.


I want to run. Just run and not look back.

Its really strange how on some days even though nothing really goes wrong, it feels like one of the worst days ever. I've probably always managed to convince myself not to write when I'm down but I couldn't help today.

As a child when parents used to tell me that my life is really simple and easy, I used to shrug it off and never believed them. For me, the geography Monday test was the worst thing that could happen to anyone in their life. People also explained how we should listen to elders because they have experienced life and all I used to think was, "No, I am right. Why would they know more than me?". Experience is important because it helps you look beyond just tomorrow and life will throw you into situations where the only way to swim across is to look beyond what's right next to you.

Its equally amazing how you can always trust life to turn at the most unexpected moments and leave you wondering how fucking crazy is this guy who is making this universe work. I understand its impossible to foresee what life has in store for us, but a little heads up about it might help.


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