Sometimes, I write.

Just Do It

Personally I always thought bucket lists are sissy. Men don’t list what they want to do, they just live life as it comes, make the most of what they have and don’t plan too much. Apparently, I don’t see the point of lying to myself anymore, I think lists are cool. They give you a sense of direction, a meaning, a purpose and a motivation to make things happen. You tend to relax when you have nothing planned and I have had it with my laid back attitude, I want to get out there and do stuff now, stuff which I might have just procrastinated earlier, thinking there’ll be plenty of time later, convincing myself it’s probably not the right thing to do currently and making a million other unreasonable excuses. So I begin, today, right now, doing stuff I always wanted to, making things happen because there is no better day to start than today and there is no better time than now.

PS: Now if only someone would get this blanket off of me.

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