Sometimes, I write.

House MD

­­If anyone deserves a post on this blog, it has to be Hugh Laurie.

Some things are obvious and don’t need any explanation. Some things are not obvious but easy to explain. But then some things are like Gregory House, no matter how much you try and comprehend them or try and rationalize their behavior and actions, you just can’t.

There’s this famous saying that some critic once said for House “The most complex anti-hero in the History of Television”.  That’s probably the most precise definition one can use to describe him.

The thing about that character is, it’s just not possible to sum it up into words. You think you know him, you think you understand what goes behind that Genius of a brain of his, you think you know what pain resides behind that apparently black heart of his, yet with each new episode, he will prove you wrong. He will show you a side of his that you didn’t knew existed, and yet somehow all these innumerable sides collaborate to fit together magically like a jig-saw puzzle and conclude something which you never could have seen coming. He will reason out all his deeds even when he doesn’t say a word.

It’s actually the understanding of the Human mind and the mysterious ways in which it works which stands the show apart. Maybe the reason I read too much into that character is because I relate to it at more levels than others do. I’m not saying I’m the loner genius who’s almost always right, can read people better than Sherlock, don’t give a crap about the rules of the society, a drug addict and incapable of showing emotions. No I’m not there yet. I’m simply saying that at a very basic and minute level, I can associate my view of the world to his vindications and account for his behavior which others might find unreasonable.  So it’s possible you won’t like the show simply because his radical behavior is too radical for you to accept.

I’m in no way justifying his actions or the lack of them. No, he is definitely not the example I would suggest anyone to follow. As Wilson rightly pointed out in one of the episodes, “Intentions don’t count, what’s in your heart, doesn’t count, caring doesn’t count.”

But what is this thing about being “miserable” as they say about House?

Is it about being in pain and not letting others know about it? Is it about making people hate you because you are afraid of attachments? Is it about being selflessly devoted to your work and still pretend you don’t really care? Or about not knowing what you project to the world is what you deserve and not what’s inside you? Expecting too much out of a world that does not work the way it should?  About finding faults in others because you are too afraid to look at your own self?  Finding answers to reason out everything else around you except your own life?  About knowing what is right and not letting the world teach you otherwise? About admiring yourself because that’s all you have left so you cling to it? About being so afraid to change, you’ll lose what makes you special? About manipulating people because you can’t handle any kind of real relationships?

I can go to still deeper depths into this character and yet I would have enough adjectives left to fill out another page but I guess you have the gist of it now. Watch House MD for the sheer genuineness in which the show has been made, watch it because of the insights it will give you into knowing people and not judging their actions, watch it for the awesomeness of the dialogues and their resonance within you even days after an episode ends and above all, watch it for the effort Hugh Laurie has put in to live up to this challenge, because all though he always says “Everbody lies”, currently I’m not.

PS: This post is a result of just one of the several withdrawal symptoms that I’m going through since the show ended.


Reader's Comments

  1. its the show of which i've watched maximum episodes of..
    all 6680 minutes of ingenuity..

  2. :) Once every couple of months you do somehow land up here!
