Sometimes, I write.

Love is Inspiration

What’s inspiration? 

Inspiration is when Julia Roberts thanks Tom Hanks for being a gentlemen and keeping her secret in Larry Crowne , Inspiration is when some piece of art, out of the blue, changes the way you perceive things or when that one ordinary event clears up so much clutter out of your mind and makes you realize, what you had been looking for was right there in front of you all along, Inspiration is when that first ray of the morning sun through the window, beckons you to start over, Inspiration is when that special one simply knows when you need someone to be around without you even saying a word. Inspiration is love and love is inspirational.

What’s not love? 

If love isn’t inspiring you each and every moment of your life, it isn’t love. If it doesn’t make you feel blessed and if doesn’t make you wish, it isn’t love. There is no such thing as growing into love, you simply fall into it. Love hits you at moments you least expect and catch you off guard. You don’t have to go looking for love, it’ll come knocking on your door when you are fast asleep and when you least expect. Love neither demands response nor expects you to rush into it. Love is patient, it waits until you are ready. Yes it does, if it doesn’t, it wasn’t meant for you, there’s someone else, better, waiting for you. You don’t plan love, or more appropriately you CAN’T plan love, if it’s planned, it’s an agreement or a pact and not love. Love is the cliché which makes all the other cliché’s no longer sound like cliché. Love makes you do crazy things and still make sense out of them. If you are not willing to sound stupid, frankly you don’t deserve to be in love…

So what’s love? 
Hahahaha ….

PS: Noida pampers the romantic me!


Reader's Comments

  1. How come you maneuver so widely, yet render the crux fully adorable? Like Like :-)

  2. ah, you embarrass me!
    Though i think this was one of the most pointless piece of writing. thanks anyway :)
